A “gummy smile” is a term used to describe a smile where a significant portion of the upper gums is visible, often when a person smiles or laughs. While some individuals are comfortable with their gummy smile, others may feel self-conscious about the excessive display of their gums. There are various causes of a gummy smile, and several treatment options are available to address this cosmetic concern:

Excessive Gum Tissue (Hypermobile Lip):

  • Some people have an overactive upper lip that elevates too much when smiling, exposing more gum tissue than desired.
  • Treatment options may include subcutaneous administration into the upper lip muscles to relax them temporarily, limiting the elevation of the lip.

Excessive Gingival Display due to Short Upper Lip:

  • In some cases, individuals may have a naturally short upper lip, leading to more visible gums.
  • Lip repositioning surgery is a procedure that adjusts the position of the upper lip to reduce gum exposure.

Excessive Vertical Growth of the Upper Jaw (Maxilla):

  • If the upper jaw (maxilla) has experienced excessive vertical growth, it can result in a gummy smile.
  • Orthodontic treatments, orthognathic surgery, or a combination of both may be recommended to address skeletal issues and improve facial harmony.

Excessive Gum Tissue (Gingival Hyperplasia):

  • Sometimes, an overgrowth of gum tissue can contribute to a gummy smile.
  • Gum contouring or gingivectomy is a dental procedure in which excess gum tissue is removed to create a more balanced gum line.

Combination Treatments:

  • In some cases, a combination of treatments may be recommended, depending on the underlying causes of the gummy smile.

It’s important to consult with a qualified and experienced dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon to determine the cause of the gummy smile and the most appropriate treatment plan. The chosen treatment will depend on factors such as the severity of the gummy smile, the underlying causes, and the individual’s preferences.